California’s been getting some major storms lately, but that hasn’t stopped Ariel Ziegler’s progress with her ’55 Dodge pickup! Remember the 17-year-old who’s building her own truck from the ground up? Well, we stopped back in for a status report. And we have to say that everything seems to be coming together nicely: As you can see in these photos, the main cabin’s shell is basically constructed — and is looking pretty slick.
But Ariel’s not going to cut any corners. As her mom puts it, the high school senior is “a perfectionist.” A straight-A student (including many AP classes), she was accepted early into the honors program at San Diego State University, where she plans to study mechanical engineering and art. The pairing seems natural: you only need to look at her work on the ’55 pickup as evidence (plus, her father is an artist and her sister an art major). Next year, look for this extremely talented student driving her self-constructed truck around campus! Check out more photos after the jump, and be sure to check back for our next progress report. And give kudos to Ariel in the comments below for all of her hard work!