RamBox: How Do You Use Yours?

rambs1Is there anything this truck can’t carry?  Ram now offers the RamBox™, a waterproof, drainable storage system that runs all 5-feet of its pickup bed. Plus an adjustable bed extender if for more room. Stash your tools,  sports equipment…anything you need to keep safe & dry. Just relaxing? Carry up to 240 cans of your beverage of choice…with ice.


So we want to know, how do you use your RamBox?


  • Ralph Rohm

    Well, I fill mine with Beer. No kidding. I am running my Dodge Ram 2009 Laramie in Germany, where the streets are almost too small for a truck, except of the Autobahn, on which the RAM makes a pretty good job, although I does not go faster than 170 km/h (105mph) 🙂
    I use it for several events to promote my business because RAMs are pretty rare around here but what I really dislike is the fact, that there are no truck caps, that support the RAM Boxes. It shouldn’t be that hard to make a cap with side windows, that pop up to give access to the boxes ???

  • Tim Ogle

    I work part time for a pest control company and all the chemicals must be under lock and key for safety therefore I have made one side a work side and the other is the life side which can carry anything depending on what life has thrown or blessed you with at the moment